Want to photograph something special? Introduce yourself and ask

Want to photograph something special? Introduce yourself and ask

Having an interest in the prairies of the American Midwest, I’ve wanted to photograph a prairie wildfire for many years. These fires are important to the health of the prairies, but as one can imagine, they are very dangerous to be around. So I opted to seek out some...
Bald Eagles of the Rock River

Bald Eagles of the Rock River

The winter of 2010/2011 hasn’t been the best for me as far as getting out and photographing the Bald Eagles on the Mississippi River. There were conflicts with my job, poor weather, or just a lazy photographer (me) who couldn’t motivate himself to get up early and...
Mute Swans in Spring

Mute Swans in Spring

My mother mentioned that she’s already tired of Winter and ready for Spring. I have to agree with her. So for any of you out there feeling the same way, I thought I would put a couple of Springtime photos up to brighten your gloomy winter day. These two Mute Swans...
Published in Northwest Quarterly Magazine

Published in Northwest Quarterly Magazine

This photo along with three others was recently published in the winter issue of Northwest Quarterly Magazine as part of an article titled “Follow the Eagles in Wisconsin and Illinois”. I was honored that the editors at Northwest Quarterly selected my...
Changing Seed Pods

Changing Seed Pods

I took this photo back in September just as the Honey Locust seed pods were starting to turn for the season. The red and green of the pods caught my eye, and I liked the compositional elements of this grouping the best. There’s a repeating pattern that provides...