Introduction to HDR Photography: Post-Processing Workflow Overview

Introduction to HDR Photography: Post-Processing Workflow Overview

In the previous HDR article, I discussed how I captured my first High Dynamic Range (HDR) images while visiting Starved Rock State Park in central Illinois. If you haven’t read that article yet, here’s a link to it – Introduction to HDR Photography:...
Introduction to HDR Photography: Capturing the Image

Introduction to HDR Photography: Capturing the Image

I’ve been takingTrey Ratcliff’s Complete HDR course over the summer. The course is a series of 20 videos covering every aspect of HDR photography along with 75 images to practice with. The images supplied are the same ones that Trey uses in the training...
Digital Photography Mastery Back After Short Hiatus

Digital Photography Mastery Back After Short Hiatus

I recently read a short article by photographer and entrepreneur, James Clear titled, Email is Where Keystrokes Go to Die. James, reflecting on a speech given by Scott Hanselman of Microsoft, states that we only get so many keystrokes in our lifetime,...

What Did I Learn During the Month of Video Production?

My month of video training just flew by. Video production is one of those subjects that I could easily spend the rest of the year exploring and writing about. But, the goal was to sample and learn the basics of video, which I believe I accomplished. Granted I have a...